

Dedicated to a safe, healthy environment for the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico and all of Otero County.

Volunteer Fire / EMS
[Volunteer Fire / EMS]
[Sac Weed Fire Elections 2013]

Fire and Emergency Medical Service is important in rural Otero County. The nearest hospital is over an hour away (more like two hours). We often use helicopters for transportation. Rural areas have both grass/brush lands and heavy forest. Both have experienced large wildland fires.

The first line of defense is our local volunteer fire and EMS.

For Pinon, Weed, Sacramento and Mayhill this is:

- Pinon Volunteer Fire

- Sacramento Volunteer Fire and EMS (covering Weed)

- Mayhill volunteer fire

During fire season all these departments can be very busy.

If you want to help, get involved! Don’t just let things happen, join, contribute. Manage YOUR property to reduce fire hazards from trees, grass and brush (see “Mountain Safety” section for tips. Be prepared!

Disclaimer, we are NOT lawyers. These are our OPINIONS. Information and opinions on this site is not legal advice. For that go to a lawyer.